50CC Quest Gold L.A. to NYC This is a chronicle of my solo attempt to ride from Los Angeles to the FDNY Memorial in New York City October of 2002.
2002 FDNY Memorial Not really a ride report, but a description of the event that drove me to attempt the 50CC described above.
NYC to LA 2002 This is the return ride from NYC to L.A. after completion of the 50CC Quest Gold
The Long Way Home Ride along with me on my daily commute home from work.
2005 New Years Day SoCal STOC Some of the hardiest SoCal STOCers get together for a first of year ride in the Malibu Alps.
Hyderseek 2003 Becci and I ride 2-up to Hyder, AK to have dinner with a few friends. On the way home, we visit the Yukon Territories.
2002 White Stag Rally This chronicles my first attempt at this winter rally based in Beaty, NV.
2003 White Stag Rally This year Rallymaster Tom Almassy took a break from competition, and went back to the old "Ride to Eat" format. This report takes you along for the ride as Barth Bybee and I ride the roads of western Nevada and eastern California on a beautiful January day.
2005 White Stag Rally Tom Almassy and Jeff Fisher teamed up this year to put on a challenging multi-route TSD Rally in the Nevada, Arizona, and California.
2005 Twist 'n' Shout Rally In the 2nd year of this rally hosted by Fastour Riders Group od Phoenix, AZ, Rallymaster Doug Banfelder presented three routes for our enjoyment. I chose the 1500 BBG.
2002 Utah 1088 My first attempt at this rally in Utah and surrounding states. Included is my first attempt at a Bun Burner Gold (1500 miles in 24 hours)
2003 Utah 1088 My second running of this LD classic.
2004 Utah 1088 This year I (mostly) stick to the main route for my best finish yet.
2004 Northwest Passage Rally In my first try at this 55 hour Wetcoast Irregulars endurance rally, I attempt an un-precedented (for me) Border to Border to Border Gold Insanity IBA ride and a BBG 3000 Gold.
WeSTOC 2004 Minden, NV Becci (The Den Mother) helps disorganize this 9th gathering of the faithful in the Silver State with rides over the great passes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and California Gold Country.
WeSTOC 2003 Moscow, ID Becci and I again help host this gathering of the St1100 Owner's Club for a "Potlatch on the Palouse" and a revisit to the ST Mother Road, US 12 from Orofino to the Montana border along the Locksa River.
WeSTOC 2002 Ashland, OR Becci and I help host this event in the fantastic mountains, sea, and high plains of Southern Oregon and Northern California.
WeSTOC 2001 Kimberly, B.C. Rick and I travel to WeSTOC's first gathering outside of the U.S.
WeSTOC 2000 Durango, CO The story of my trip to Durango, CO for the annual WeSTOC gathering. Included is a report on my attendance in Lee Parks' Advanced Rider Clinic (ARC).
WeSTOC 99 Bend, OR This is a cronicle of Rick and my rides to Bend, OR and other parts of central Oregon, Southern Washington, and Southern Oregon.
WeSTOC 98 Taos, NM This is the story of Becci, Rick, and I on our summer sojourn to the mountains and high plains of New Mexico with Clay Gradis and Michelle Tenebruso.
WeSTOC 97 Missoula, MT This article is about Becci and my trip 2-up to the land of no speed limit. It includes the GOIT (Guts of Idaho Tour), the Big Dog Ride, and a brief overview of our Saddle Sore 1000 feat on the way home. Under Construction
WeSTOC 96 Park City, UT In this tome I document Becci and my journey across the great desert of North America to the beautiful mountains of Park City, Utah for the very first meeting of the Western area ST Owners Club. Under Construction
WeSTAR 97 Mammoth, CA This is a nice little piece on Becci's and my 2-up trip to HSTA's (Honda Sport Touring Association) Western Area annual meet.
2001 Baby Butt 1000 The Red Hot Riders host this classic event for the first time in 5 years. Rick and I enter for the first time
2002 Baby Butt 1000 Rick and I ride this event again this year. This time it travels through the High Sierras on it way to Laughlin, NV.
2003 Baby Butt 1500 Rick and I participate in the inaugural running of the 1500 mile variant as we are routed through the Southwestern deserts and mountains of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Nevada as Rick earns his first Bun Burner Gold.
2004 Baby Butt 1500 Rick and I choose the Great Basin Route through the Desert of Northern Nevada and Utah.
Saddle Sore 1000 2-up Twin Falls, ID to Reseda, CA 1997
SoCal STOC Ride to WSB Races Laguna Seca, CA 1998
SoCal STOC Ride to WSB Races Laguna Seca, CA 1999
SoCal STOC Ride to WSB Races Laguna Seca, CA 2000
Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California for lunch
Rick and I do a Loop Through the Beautiful Hills of Southern California via Solvang, Cayuma, and Frasier Park
Solo Loop L.A. to San Diego, Salton Sea, Landers, Lucern Valley, Foothills of Antelope Valley, and Angeles Forest Hwy
Northwest Passage Rally 2006: My adventures on this 5 day event.
White Pine Fever: A 24 hr "no rules" invitational rally hosted by the Cognosente Group in the vast expanses of northern Nevada. Numerous records were set for miles riden in a 24hr period.
2009 Tour of Alaska: Becci and I (2up on the ST1100) rode to Alaska and back.
Westoc 2009, 2010, and 2011: Becci (on her BMW GS1200) and I (on my KTM 950 Adventure) rode to Minden, NV, Moscow, ID, and Nelson, BC.